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Saturday, March 9, 2013

そらまにぶろぐ (Sora Mani Blog)

Author: 忠藤いづる (Tadafuji Izuru)

This blog is the best I've found for editions of Faces, Portraits, and Characters in the Japanese imperial style, but there are others besides this style, like some with armor. They aren't many besides those mentioned, the corresponding Faces of the Characters, and it doesn't only have Faces, but Portraits as well, which are the Big Faces, as they're called around here.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jalen's Junkyard

Author: Jalen

A great author, she produces Faces, Battlers, and Portraits (Bigface) of excellent quality, they are not just edits, but many seem very original. She has many useful resources in her topic, but on her blog, there is more, much more. In addition to the help she receives from friends to complete the characters with Characters for the Faces, Battlers, and Portraits (Bigface).


Polygonal Productions

Author: Pentagon Buddy

An excellent artist, who has already created his tutorials and many original resources, such as Faces, Battlers, Portraits (Bigface), and even Characters. However, he receives help from other artists to complete the character with Characters, as you will see in the topic.

Album: RPG Maker
Tutorials: Drawing RTP Portraits: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (#2 post in topic)


Saturday, February 23, 2013

シアンのゆりかご (Shian no yurikago)

Author: マゼラン (Mazeran)

Your battlers are well known for being truly "monstrous", there are various types and they are of excellent quality, he still updates with new materials to this day. There are other materials, but they are in small quantities.

Blog: シアンのゆりかご (Shian no yurikago)
En. Cradle of Cyan


Sunday, February 17, 2013


Author: Vibrato

Who doesn't remember Vibrato? It was out for a while, and its old website went down, going offline. But it seems like it's back with the new RPG Maker, VXAce. Even though the old website went offline with those materials, he managed to recover and is making new ones, the Battlers for Side Battlers and Animations.

Site:  P3X-774
