Follow the copyright guidelines, which are stated in the citation below. For more information, access the original topics in each link provided in this citation, and the download links here belong to the original creators.
Original topic from RPG Maker
"Quote from: Matsuo Kaito
*What's in it?
Portraits, igloos, polar animals, Inuit tents, SBS characters, and more!
About the "Bonus" folder: It's a sort of New Year's gift for you all. And a way to apologize for the fact that the package itself is a bit smaller than the Halloween Pack. ;)
*Terms of Use:
- Feel free to use it in any way you want for both commercial and non-commercial projects, as long as you credit us.
⚠ This time, some resources have additional credits. Please seek permission from these individuals before using these resources for commercial projects.You can find the credits within the package itself. ⚠
Please DO NOT POST (the package or any of the resources in it) anywhere else. We would like to know where our package ends up. If you wish to share our package, please link to the main thread.
*Download Link: